
Michael Brazda mike at
Sun Jun 28 04:28:08 UTC 2015

Hello  Well I am new to the team I live in Damon TX which is on the outskirts of Houston. I have been using Linux since Slackware 2 but didn't really use it heavy until release 3. From there around 2000 I started working in a strictly redhat shop and that's what I have been running and doing for work until here recently. I guess about a year ago I got a wild hair and decided to install Ubuntu on my work laptop. To be honest I hated the interface and installed gnome. I was impressed on how easy the conversation was and from that moment I have been running Ubuntu mate on every desktop and laptop I own as most are aging hardware and runs much faster. Then I had the idea of trying it as a server and was completely impressed and became a fan. I have to say it's came along way since it first came out and I tryed it to see what the fuss was about and didn't care for it. Now I have moved my cousin and my parents over from windows to Ubuntu. I even got a call from my cousin to thank me for talking her into it.   

---Sent from Boxer |

Hello Everyone,

I'm hoping to start a chain reaction here...would like to know who is  

I've actually been on the team for some time but have never said  
anything. I just wanted to introduce myself. I live in Dallas and work  
in Richardson, Tx for a small IT shop. I've been using Linux on and off  
since 99' starting with Slackware. I basically stick to Ubuntu or  
Ubuntu-Mate these days. I'm trying to get by with Ubuntu-Touch on my  
Nexus 7 since there is no phone here in the states yet, though about  
trying Nexus5. I'm hoping for some bustling activity here in Texas,  
especially in the North ;) You can find me on IRC as "Parzzix",twitter  
as @parzzix, and Telegram as @parzzix.

Kindest Regards,

Tim Apple

aka "Parzzix"

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