Special characters for Spanish

Dan Healy dfhealy at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 04:26:06 UTC 2014

You are probably right.  How do I normalize the two strings before I
compare them?  I don't remember doing that before, but I probably did.
Thanks for the idea.  Dan H

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Brian Rogers <brog45 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This sounds like a character set or Unicode encoding difference. If you
> can, normalize the two strings before comparing them.
> On 9:22pm, Fri, Dec 12, 2014 Dan Healy <dfhealy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am entering Spanish characters (example: á, ñ, etc.) using the Compose
>> key and writing them to a mySQL table.  I then retrieve them and compare
>> them to an identical character entered into a text area on a web page.
>> They appear identical on the web page, but they don't compare equal .
>> When I enter a special character for Spanish it is rendered as more than
>> one character in code but appears as one special character on the web
>> page.  When I view the source code for the web page I can see the multiple
>> characters for each entry and they are different.
>> I had been using Ubuntu 12.04 and upgraded to 14.04.  The code apparently
>> worked with 12.04 but does not work with 14.04.
>> I can't tell if I have introduced a change in  my code, if there has been
>> the change in the Ubuntu release, or an upgrade to Firefox, or some other
>> problem.
>> Any ideas how I might address this problem?  The code is several years
>> old and has been used extensively but now fails.  I am looking for an
>> approach to handling this problem.  I can provide screen shots of the code
>> and the web page.  Any help would really be appreciated.
>> Thanks, Dan H
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