LoCo Team Approval- qualify? [please read]

Daniel VanStone webmaster at catcodesigns.net
Tue Jun 15 07:15:56 BST 2010

Dear Texas Team

Ok now what do we need to qualify

Let's do It already! 


Git 'er Done!

Think about it at pretty much the drop of a hat last year we had members
from all around the state attend at UDS

We have had City LoCo Meetings in Houston, Dallas, Amarillo, Austin as
well as other cities. 

We have many people involved in Ubuntu at many levels

We resolve our discussions in meetings (IRC and UDS) and through mailman
list at ubuntu dot com (here)

Several Teams "approved" have little to no activity or regular meeting

I was under the impression that we are organized as a state the size of

No two Loco Teams should look like a mirror of all the rest that would
not be representaive of a Community

I am probably confused though.

Daniel Stone

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