Please Join the wave-Google Wave Implimentation

Lee Sharp leesharp at
Mon Jul 5 20:52:13 BST 2010

On 07/05/2010 02:31 PM, Jeremy Clark wrote:

> 1. Wave is not a tool for overcoming a "multiple account" barrier.
> It's actually yet another protocol that anyone looking to participate
> would have to have the ability to use.

> 2. One must consider that some
> people in the free software community have philosophical issues with
> Google. I think anyone pushing Wave should also look into running
> their own Wave server for those who do not wish to register for an
> account with Google.

These were my first two thoughts.  I have yet to see any compelling 
reason for yet another account, and I do not trust Google at all.  And 
while I am odd, I really doubt I am all that special... So by making 
that the central tool, you eliminate a lot of people...  Kinda the 
opposite of Ubuntu and FOSS.


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