Problems with synaptic touch pad.

Kenneth Adam Miller kennethadammiller at
Thu Aug 19 18:21:51 BST 2010

I've been unable to use scroll for a long time on Ubuntu. I would really
like to add this feature, but it is proving to be a much more complicated
process that what I thought it should be.
I've followed instructions at and

I added the ability to use the vertical scroll on my touchpad, but still,
having trouble. When I scroll down it works, but scrolling up gives trouble
(it jumps to the very very bottom of the page). I tried to add the program
TouchPad from USC, but it fails to initilize with an error report like this:

GSynaptics couldn't initialize.
You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use

I went through trying to fix that, but I couldn't get it done.  I really
don't know where to go.
I do think I found something significant though: the command "xinput list"
gives this:

⎡ Virtual core pointer                        id=2    [master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                  id=4    [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ MLK Wireless Keyboard& Laser Mouse          id=10    [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse                  id=13    [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ Macintosh mouse button emulation            id=14    [slave  pointer
⎣ Virtual core keyboard                       id=3    [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard                 id=5    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ Power Button                                id=6    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ Video Bus                                   id=7    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ Sleep Button                                id=8    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ MLK Wireless Keyboard& Laser Mouse          id=9    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ CNF7017                                     id=11    [slave  keyboard
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard                id=12    [slave  keyboard

If you look, you can see that it is NOT detecting a synaptics touchpad.
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