Texas Geeknic - Arlington

Daniel VanStone webmaster at catcodesigns.net
Fri Aug 6 22:05:49 BST 2010

Texas Geeknic arlington texas

Aug 28 currently looking for park locale near the  
Dallas Cowboys Stadium

Anyone is welcome to attend or assist with any plan

I have been scolded for my opinion that the team could be represented
all across the state of Texas. I feel that if something is with a
reasonable distance more would in essence show.

I do not expect anyone to drive from any region not nearby to attend.
I do not do this in any way to undermine anyones ideas. 

With all of that said 'Let's Move On' to the discussions regarding the 
way that individuals can help.

If you have an idea for your area. Let it be known.

I have heard of discussion that Austin was going to have their own
Texas Geeknic also. Hooray let the wheels roll.

I have contacted several Linux User Groups including the 
Ubuntu Houston team 

I know that this conversation got a rocky start but we all are
the Texas Team "let us all raise our cups at the same time".


Daniel VanStone

Please join the conversation by sending your areas ideas to
Ubuntu-us-tx at lists.ubuntu.com

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