Voting and meeting subjects
matthew byers
faintstlsaint at
Tue Dec 22 22:50:39 GMT 2009
I agree it is simple. As travis said if he was unable to attend a meeting
they can simply view logs. So yes Daniel i feel that we should NOT change
around the entire meeting schedule just to cater one individual when it fits
the majority of the team fine the way it is. So it seems that we have found
a simple answer to these issues. IRC for meetings and mailing list for
voting. Now how would voting take place...meaning who would recieve the
votes meaning 'tally' up the votes. If we continue to bash this into the
ground it will never end or we can go to wave just to 'test' then use dimdim
to 'test' then use another means until everyone has a smile on their face!!
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Travis Beaty <twbeaty at> wrote:
> Just a few thoughts of mine on all of this. This topic seems a bit like
> a mosquito -- no matter how many times you swat at it, and you think you
> got it, it always flies back in your ear.
> I also believe that email would be the best way to vote as well.
> Daniel, yes, you work 80+ hours a week. I work around 50 hours a week,
> give or take, but my one personal issue is that I work a night shift.
> So although I live in Texas, my personal time zone is more convenient to
> Syndey, Australia. Now then, it just so happens Brandon accidentally
> picked a good time to have the IRC meetings for me ... rather late in
> the evening on a day I don't work. But lets suppose someone was really
> out to get me, and they set it for 6:00 pm on a Thursday. I would never
> make it.
> Sucks to be me.
> There are logs available of these meetings. I don't expect that
> everyone will agree to have the meeting in the dead of night just for
> me. And that's okay, because I'm not a special snowflake. As was
> mentioned (either in email or the IRC channel, I can't recall at the
> moment), IRC is really an auxiliary means of communication anyway. A
> good one, yes, but it is secondary to the mailing list.
> The mailing list would be a dandy place to have votes and debates. I'm
> voicing my opinion at 3:30 in the morning and no one's getting woke up.
> I fail to see how anyone would get shafted if we open up a debate for a
> matter to be voted on, and leave discussion open for two weeks. That
> should give everyone ample time to get their voice in, bow to their
> partner, wrestle in the mud, whatever it takes to get all the facts on
> the table. When we do vote, it's as simple as replying to a thread,
> perhaps with a tag like [VOTE] in front of it, with a simple "+1/-1," or
> "YES/NO." No need for discussion at that point, just one unambiguous
> yes or no. But let's make discussion time a set amount of time, because
> there is nothing to be gained by talking a topic into the dirt.
> I really feel like we're trying to over-engineer the hell out of a
> simple thing.
> -- Travis (Muffinx)
> On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 23:29 -0600, Brandon Tomlinson wrote:
> > First off, I haven't said anything in this psudeo thread in quite a
> > while. (not since my "mumbo jumbo" reply, because honestly I've been
> > wanting to word any responses in an inoffensive manner; and I didn't
> > really have the patience to do that/still don't.)
> >
> >
> > Second, sorry that we disagree with you. Deal with it.
> >
> >
> > I think everyone agrees that any sort of voting should not be a quick
> > event. We all agree that votes should be held over a period. That's
> > reasonable, and many people have been saying that from that start
> > (myself included).
> >
> >
> > Done.
> >
> >
> > so then, to do any sort of voting (what exactly do we have to vote on
> > anymore anyways... other than a voting medium...). To finalize this,
> > can we all agree that any digital democracy (to avoid sounding like
> > "mumbo jumbo", that means "voting") be handled over email until we
> > have a more sophisticated system in place?
> --
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