VoteBot in Tx channel

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Sun Dec 20 16:53:36 GMT 2009

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Lee Sharp <leesharp at> wrote:
> This is getting silly.  For anything serious, we need a vote that lasts
> a while, and is published on all mediums. (IRC, Wiki, e-mail)  And why
> reinvent the wheel?

In addition to all these, launchpad itself has basic voting polls:

This would give you the opportunity to limit who votes with the
~texasteam that is already in place and everyone should be part of,
set a timeline/deadline for the poll, have the results be public.

Once the poll is set up in launchpad you just announce it to forums,
irc, mailing list, whatever - discussion happens on those mediums and
people vote.


Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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