Possible State Meeting Solutions

Marc Randolph mrand at pobox.com
Tue Dec 15 20:50:08 GMT 2009

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Daniel Stone
<webmaster at catcodesigns.net> wrote:
> I was referring to how we conduct meetings.
> What does a mailing list not have in relation to wave(google wave)?
>  one
> : a real time effect like chat.
>  two
> : it offers a place that discussion can happen over the course of a
> few days this would be great on voting
>  three
> : discussions and supporting documents can be in on place making it
> much  easier to read and follow the discussion.
> Whilst google wave is beta -- dimdim already does this.
> [...]

If one of the main reasons to switch is so that conversations, votes,
and other things can occur over days, I don't place much weight on the
real-time aspect.  But let's say some people do want near-realtime...
all that needs to change is those few people can sign up for gmail or
some other email service that doesn't have much polling in the way of
a polling delay.  Messages are typically delivered in about the same
amount of time it takes to type them.  Use a subject line, and they
are threaded into conversations / topics.  Great for organizing.

Items two and three are ideally solved by the existing email list, IMHO.

I'm truly not trying to be difficult, but I truly don't see why we
can't continue to use this mailing list that rather than making
_everyone_ that wanted to participate sign up for some random
non-official service that might die someday, and take our archived
discussions with it.

> This message was attempted the way you instructedand I had to add the
> mailing list to the to recipients.

Worked great.  Thanks!


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