Be cure to reply to or copy the list in your replies so everyone can see the conversation.<br><br><br>I'm all for skype as my wife and I use it already. Maybe we could add skype/im contact info to our member pages. Having a sort of virtual meeting is definitely a good option for a state as spread out as ours.<br>
<br>Sadly, I don't have any ubuntu business cases to contribute (yet), but anyone and everyone is free to contribute to the wiki and comment any changes made. It'd be a great addition.<br><br><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">
On Jan 28, 2008 8:39 PM, <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Another thought might be a video conference every once in a while<br>between our groups...for special events? Skype or Ekiga work well.<br><br>I would also like to see some 'business case' stories put up on our SD<br>
Ubuntu wiki to promote the business use of Ubuntu. We currently have<br>our company Intranet portal hosted on Ubuntu in addition to a VMWare<br>server (hosting several company virtual machines). I know we'll<br>continue to use Ubuntu in conjunction with Red Hat Enterprise. I plan<br>
to purchase two Ubuntu support licenses later this year (after the<br>next LTS release).<br><br>As to the Google map...I've not set one up before, but I can't imagine<br>it would be too difficult.<br><div><div></div>
<div class="Wj3C7c"><br>Quoting Doug Jennewein <<a href=""></a>>:<br><br>> That's not a bad idea, Rodd. Chamberlain is a good half-way point -- it'd<br>> equalize the distance for most everyone. I've driven through it many times,<br>
> but I'm not familiar with any facilities there. Anybody have any ideas?<br>><br>> On a relate note, it'd be nice to set up a google map or something to show<br>> where all the different members are located -- I had no idea there were so<br>
> many west river members. Anyone had any experience setting something like<br>> that up or want to volunteer to figure it out?<br>><br>> -Doug<br>><br>><br>> On Jan 28, 2008 8:09 PM, <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>
><br>>> Sorry for slow reply, but I 'could' meet in SF if I had other<br>>> business. Otherwise it's bit expensive since gas prices are so high.<br>>> Maybe the west river folks could share the cost and ride together. I<br>
>> also have family in SF and we could possibly stay there (room for 4-6).<br>>><br>>> Otherwise, a meeting in Chamberlain would be cool...let's discuss more.<br>>><br>>> Quoting Doug Jennewein <<a href=""></a>>:<br>
>><br>>> > Hey, Everyone:<br>>> ><br>>> > A couple of us in Vermillion have talked about having a meetup for all<br>>> of us<br>>> > SD Ubuntu users. What do you all think? Where should it be, and what<br>
>> would<br>>> > you want to do (bbq sounds good to me!) ? Maybe we could piggyback on<br>>> > another event like a tech conference in Sioux Falls or Rapid. Any votes<br>>> for<br>>> > or against? If people are interested, we can hammer out the details<br>
>> here on<br>>> > the list or on the forums.<br>>> ><br>>> > Let me know what your ideas are.<br>>> ><br>>> > -Doug Jennewein<br>>> ><br>>><br>>><br>