Fwd: [GSLUG-Announce] GSLUG Meeting: July 12, 2008 @ 12:00pm -- NEW LOCATION

Eric Butler eric at extremeboredom.net
Wed Jul 9 02:46:44 BST 2008

Forwarding announcement off to other local lists.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [GSLUG-Announce] GSLUG Meeting: July 12,2008 @ 12:00pm -- NEW
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 10:57:22 -0700
From: Eric Butler <eric at extremeboredom.net>
To: gslug-general at gslug.org, gslug-announce at gslug.org

Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce that the next Greater Seattle Linux User's Group
meeting will be this upcoming weekend on Saturday, July 12th, 2008
starting at 12:00pm.

We have a new venue this time around thanks to Speakeasy!

The address is:

Speakeasy, Inc.
1201 Western Ave, Seattle WA

We're meeting in a conference room on the 7th floor. Let someone in the
lobby know that you're here for GSLUG and they'll show you up.

As usual, all information can be found on the wiki:

If you'd like to give a talk (and I hope you do) or are just planning to
attend, please RSVP by adding yourself to the wiki page.

Let me know if you have any questions, I look forward to seeing everyone
this weekend!

And if you're looking for internet, phone, or other networking services,
take a look at http://www.speakeasy.net/.

- Eric

(Please forward this email to friends and other local mailing lists!)

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