tip 169

Cherette Sedor annika at hms-group.com
Fri Nov 3 11:03:14 GMT 2006

Re: tip 169 

V z MC d I

V j emic Announ d ces $9 M A z quis m ition of Nus q cri v be Which
Brings Combined Technology To Change The Educational
And M t edic k al Industries!

Compan o y : V x emic v s
Sy d mbo o l : V i MC l I
Status : Ho h t Technology R v eleas n e
Pr l ic x e : $ 0, j 60
5 Day Ta z rg r et: $ 1. j 80

What these two co w mpanie z s do is a h mazin z g. V m MC h I pr y ovi
x des
technology that all w ows its c n usto f mers to have completely 
interactive and l o ive educational and co k nfer m encing solutions.
In connection with eLea n rn l ing De a skt m op they already
providing co a mple d tely virtual e d ducatio n nal programs and
through EP Liv t e On e line they have ho h st x ed a live and
interactive me a di c cal Fo b rum to the world.

Nu z Sc b ribe of p fe n rs to over 600,00 z 0 m o edica o l
professionals nationwide
voice activated m l edic r al record cr w eat a ion industry for the spe
q ed
and ef f fici k ency of me u di g cal records admin i istra j tion.

Combined these two co o mpani z es are now focused at sp v ace age 
technology and se p rvice n s that are without e d qual. Nu v Sc r ribe
already tr u adin e g at $ 0,9 x 0 and V y MC i I is currently t c radi
u ng at $ 0,6 x 0

This news is going out all over the wir m es. Get in bef k ore this 
one goes t a hrough the roo g f! This quick rising s k toc g k is a good
lo r ng t a erm wi w nner. This s o toc g k is going high due to sup i
erb b l usine g ss 
s j olutions.

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