Hi All!<br><br>I'd like to get together some folks to meet each other (the social and fun part of community) and to start looking toward events in the fall (Software Freedom Day, CPOSC, and some College Events), and how we can mobilize people in the area to help promote Ubuntu and FOSS in the Harrisburg/Lancaster/York areas. I'd also like to put faces and voices with the names out there!<br>
<br>I'm initially thinking that we can get together for coffee at the<a href="http://www.thecornerstonecoffeehouse.com/index.cfm"> Cornerstone Coffee House</a> in Camp Hill next Saturday at say 1pm (8/8/09 1pm). The time isn't set in stone, it's better to get more people, so if you have availability for other days/times please reply and we'll try to get together.<br>
<br><br>I've posted the event on the <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/EventsTeam/080809SCPA">wiki</a>.<br><br>There's some exciting potential events that we can initiate, piggy back on, and I'd really like to start working now to make the most out of them.<br>
<br>I'm really looking forward to meeting as many of you as I can.<br><br>-- <br>- Bret<br>