[Ubuntu-US-PA] CPOSC 2015 October 17th, 2015 Lancaster, PA

Jim Fisher jedijf at myfisher.org
Wed Sep 16 11:21:14 UTC 2015

CPOSC 2015 October 17th, 2015 Lancaster, PA

The Central PA Open Source Conference (CPOSC) is a one-day technical
conference for open source users and developers. Presentations and sessions
cover all aspects of open source, with talks ranging from novice to expert
skill levels. Join us for a day of learning from, and meeting, your
technology peers.

CPOSC INFO <http://cposc.org/>

jim fisher

irc freenode  #ubuntu-us-pa

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
  --  Jedi Master Yoda
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