[Ubuntu-US-PA] lyz

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Mon Jun 7 20:33:17 BST 2010

On 06/07/2010 01:03 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> For the Lucid release we just wrapped up an installfest at a local
> hackerspace here in SF which worked out really well. I hadn't thought
> about contacting Hive76.org in Philly for a similar event but it might
> be worth doing if you guys are looking for some ideas.

In Houston we had an "Open Source Grill" for the Jaunty release.  I 
brought a grill and food I like to cook.  Other people brought food they 
like to cook.  One person brought a keg, and I provided ice.  We had it 
at my community pool.  It was priceless.  A bunch of pale geeks at a 
pool with laptops and beer!  And lots of hats and stickers!


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