[Ubuntu-US-PA] Free Geek Penn in Ephrata, PA

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 28 21:59:10 BST 2009

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach<lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Just a quick reminder that I'm heading up there tomorrow.
> Free Geek Penn
> 400 West Main Street Suite 6, Ephrata, PA 17522

Kevin Valentine, Stephen Nichols and I spent some time over at
FreeGeekPenn on Saturday.

It was a pleasant visit, the people over there was very friendly and
welcoming. Stephen Baily, Kevin's contact from earlier in the year,
was happy to give us a tour of the facility and he and their resident
"Linux Guy" Adam Markley helped outline the challenges they face when
considering the adoption of Linux for PCs they ship out to clients.

Essentially they aren't ready to jump on the desktop deployment
bandwagon again just yet, but they were open to the possibility in the
future. They are willing to work with us to host Linux classes at
their location. They also have a program where they ship PCs to
Africa, frequently without an OS but if they have our manpower and
Linux expertise they said they'd be happy to ship them with Ubuntu.

I've put together a wiki page detailing all of these details,
including a section on why their desktop deployment program didn't
work out:


I will be following up directly this week, but in the meantime, are
there folks toward Reading and Ephrata who would be interested in
working on this with me? Even if we don't jump into producing and
hosting classes for Introduction to Ubuntu classes just yet, I think
making ourselves known as a group they can turn to if they want Linux
support would be great.


Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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