[Ubuntu PA] NTR Laptop Project: need volunteers
Kevin Valentine
kevin.valentine at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:28:57 GMT 2008
Hi Shea,
That would be great if you can help! Unfortunately, the laptops we will
have exposure to will not be good candidates for any flavor of Ubuntu.
We are starting with the bottom-of-the-barrel. Processor speeds of 100
- 300 MHz with with 8 - 64 MB of RAM. Those higher numbers are only if
we're lucky. Because of this, the present plan is to stick with small
and fast Linux distros like DSL and Puppy. Check out the previous posts
for more detailed discussions. As we get better at this and demand
increases, we may get the higher-end laptops and use them with an Ubuntu
Their laptop room only has one live ethernet connection that I know of.
Easily settled with a switch. Also, the room is really a mess. It's
not really possible for us to do anything in there until we get it more
organized. That's primarily the reason for the short meeting this
Saturday at NTR. I want volunteers to see what we're up against. Give
them a chance to back out too ;-) Then we can regroup and discuss the
details. Keep your eye on the LoCo calendar.
Hope you can make it. If not, there will be more very soon.
Shea Almumin wrote:
> Kevin,
> This project sounds cool. I would like to help out if I can. Is there
> any specified way that the computers have to be configured? Ubuntu vs.
> Edubuntu, etc? It may be a better idea to setup Laptops onsite as long
> as they have good live ethernet connections for us to work from. It
> shouldn't take more than an hour to configure multiple PC's. Well, let
> me know. I am new to the LoCo Philly group. I do want to jump right in
> and help though.
> Sincerely,
> Shea
> Shea
> sbalmumin at gmail.com <mailto:sbalmumin at gmail.com>
> On Jan 13, 2008 10:55 PM, Kevin Valentine < kevin.valentine at gmail.com
> <mailto:kevin.valentine at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Sasha,
> The laptops are at NTR on 1524 Brandywine Street of Philly (see
> ntronline.org <http://ntronline.org> for more details). Much of
> the work can be done there.
> However, I don't think Stan will mind people from the LoCo taking
> laptops home with them as long as we can keep track of them. He's
> done
> it with me and I'm sure if we're organized enough he'll allow the
> whole
> group to do it.
> The "when" part is tricky. I'm waiting for enough LoCo members to
> contact me before I make any plans. So far, two have replied, you
> and
> John Black. If enough people volunteer, I want to plan for us to meet
> at NTR as a group.
> If you just want to see the layout, you're welcome to come to the next
> Bring a Computer Workshop hosted by NTR on the 19th from 2pm - 5pm.
> Details are on our LoCo calendar:
> http://www.meetlinux.com/calendar/
> I'll be there. Just let me know if you can make it.
> -kevin
> Sasha R wrote:
> > When/Where are you guys planning on doing this? If its in Philly, it
> > looks like I could finally do something for the LoCo.
> College/lack of
> > transportation has greatly impaired my ability to attend meetings.
> >
> > Sasha
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> "Life is a trial of conceptualized change made manageable by survival
> of daily pains to achieve worldly gains." -Shea
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