<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>There will be one tonight, but I won't be there (have a good deal of things that require my attention and as such I've no time to make it to Broadway Commons), Feel free to show up even if the person who sends the notice out isn't there, after all, all Ubuntu Hours anywhere can be started and attended by anybody, regardless of who is already there. :D<br>
<br></div>I don't have the time to make an event page atm (I'm pushing it writing this email) so unless someone wants to make the page themselves (it's not at all hard) there won't be one.<br><br></div>6-7PM tonight was the time decided on by discussion, so that's when it'll be tonight at Broadway Commons.<br>
<br></div>I hope to be up there next week.<br><br></div>--c_smith<br></div>