[Ubuntu Oregon] Global Ubuntu Day campaign.

Phil N philn at delfinomicro.com
Sat Jan 23 04:03:01 UTC 2016

Great news everyone - James (JVLB), who is a member of Salem Ubuntu Hour,
found a great article titled "*Ubuntu is coming to a city near you."* Which
we would like to share with the LoCo.

*Ubuntu is coming to a city near you*
By Marcin Kierdelewicz on 15 January 2016

Perhaps each state's LoCo could create a "single" event announcement, which
could be used by "all" local newspaper organizations within each state.
This would be a Public Service Announcement (PSA), which are usually free.
As all of you know - This year, is the release of Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial
Xerus), which is a Long-term support (LTS) release, so I think we should
definitely have some type of Ubuntu marketing blitz campaign this year.
Even if it's a simple newspaper announcement, to mention each state's
monthly Local Community (LoCo) Team Portal...  Just a suggestion.

Thanks James, for finding this great! article, and bringing us this good
news.... Ubuntu is coming to town.

Ciao for now
Phil. N
* Sent from a system running Ubuntu  *
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