[Ubuntu Oregon] Global Ubuntu Day campaign.
Phil N
philn at delfinomicro.com
Sun Feb 21 03:55:32 UTC 2016
I would like to amend a correction to last evening's minutes. I incorrectly
introduced our newest member as Ryan, when in fact his name is Roman.
To clarify, there is a Ryan who is a member of our LoCo however he was
absent. So I do in fact want to mention that Roman was in attendance
during yesterday's meeting. That he has been a long time user of various
flavors of Linux, including a long time user of Ubuntu.
Please welcome Roman, to Ubuntu Salem Hour.
Sorry about not clarifying your name last evening, and thanks for bringing
it to my attention.
Phil. N
* Sent from a system running Ubuntu *
On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 4:50 PM, Phil N <philn at delfinomicro.com> wrote:
> Thanks Che for sharing the flyers.
> The topic of LFNW came up during last evenings meeting. Bellingham, WA is
> almost in Canada, so it's a bit far for us to drive. I think your idea of
> a Google "hangout" between both locations (Portland and Bellingham) is a
> great idea. And we would be willing to drive up to Portland, all though
> don't know who would be willing to remain in Portland to host us.
> Ciao for now
> Phil. N
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> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Phil, no worries on sharing the link to the flyers. As far as the
>> release party goes, I thought we were having the party at Linux Fest North
>> West up in Bellingham, WA? Portland would also be great for those that
>> won't be at LFNW. Maybe we could do a hangout between both events.
>> Che
>> On Sat, 20 Feb 2016 at 13:40 Phil N <philn at delfinomicro.com> wrote:
>>> Yesterday evening's Salem Ubuntu meeting was a great success, thanks to
>>> those who attended, as well as those who attended last time. Sorry I
>>> couldn't make it last time. I herd last meeting was a great success, with
>>> a few new members showing up.
>>> Members present for Feb 19th meeting:
>>> James. B
>>> Cody. S
>>> Ryan (new member, longtime Linux/Ubuntu user)
>>> Phil. N
>>> Discussion Topics; Canonical's - Global Ubuntu Day campaign, Release
>>> party for 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus).
>>> *Regarding - Global Ubuntu Day campaign.*
>>> We would like to know, if there is anything in the works for a newspaper
>>> announcement for Global Ubuntu Day that each LoCo could use. We understand
>>> the *inaugural Ubuntu Day will take place in Milan, Italy*. Here is a
>>> link to the original "Global Ubuntu Day" announcement.
>>> http://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/01/15/ubuntu-is-coming-to-a-city-near-you/
>>> Q1. In what other city(s) will the Global Ubuntu Day event be held in,
>>> and how can each LoCo be involved?
>>> Our thinking is to have a generic "Global Ubuntu Day" announcement
>>> approved by Canonical, so each LoCo could add (fill in the blank) their own
>>> venue. Name of LoCo event, time and place they regularly meet. This way
>>> each LoCo could provide their local newspaper with something that's both
>>> approved by Canonical and professional looking. This would act as a public
>>> service announcement (PSA), which I believe are free, however there maybe
>>> size and or formatting requirements.
>>> Che - Has created some example marketing material and put then up on
>>> Spread Ubuntu at http://spreadubuntu.org/, and also on his Google drive
>>> at
>>> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bze0ebspiCtkbmtGQ3REbVJIOEk&usp=sharing.
>>> For convince I've copied Che's links, which he originaly emailed to
>>> everyone on January 24th, into this email. Hope that's O.K with Che...
>>> Flyer 1
>>> http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/brochure/ubuntu-information-flyer-1?nocache=1
>>> Flyer 2
>>> http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/brochure/ubuntu-information-flyer-2?nocache=1
>>> Che has done a great job creating and grouping them together for future
>>> use. - Thanks Che.
>>> Q2. Is there a "Global Ubuntu Day" announcement approved by Canonical
>>> that is already in the works?
>>> Q3. And can each LoCo use it for their own local newspaper announcement?
>>> Could Walter, or someone please advise. - Thanks.
>>> *Regarding - release party for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus.*
>>> As most of you already know, Ubuntu 16.04 is set to be released on April
>>> 21st, 2016. And it's a Long Term Support (LTS) release, which only happens
>>> every couple of years... so
>>> Q4. Are we going to hold a release party, and if so, where in Portland?
>>> By unanimous vote during Friday's Salem Ubuntu hour, we would be happy
>>> to travel to Portland for a LTS release party. Especially if Ben would be
>>> willing to get permission to hold release party a Mozilla. ;-)
>>> Ben, Walter, could you please check on this and advise. - Thanks.
>>> Much thanks everyone.
>>> Phil. N
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