[Ubuntu Oregon] Ubuntu meeting.
Che Dean
dean.che at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 06:24:21 UTC 2015
Thanks for the advice Phil N, I just put our second meeting up on the
Oregon Loco Team site:
Yeah, Meetup is cool but if it's going to get very expensive them we'll
have to give it a miss. Who knows, we might have our own version on Ubuntu
phones in the future for Loco Teams. :-)
On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 at 14:36 Phil N <philn at delfinomicro.com> wrote:
> Che,
> Great to hear your Ubuntu meeting went well, and glad to see your having a
> LoCo Ubuntu hour in your area.
> Speaking from past experience (VP of Salem Macintosh Users Group, and
> co-founder of Microportal - the electronics club) we've had our biggest
> turnouts during November meetings, I don't know why this is. One would
> think holidays and colder weather would be hampering turnouts, however over
> the past 3 years November has consistently been our biggest turnout. It's
> almost brain stumping...LOL.
> Being your a new club - it may take a few Novembers - though, so be
> patient... If you build it, they will come. LOL.
> Two other clubs in Salem, which I'm a member of, both use meetup. The
> problem with meetup is they are $expensive$. Meetup is free as long as you
> keep your meetup members under 50, the caveat is when you go over your
> allotted 50 members, they want lots mo' money.... And from what I hear, the
> price can climb almost as high as a web-host would cost. Speaking of
> web-host, I really like what you've done at the LoCo events page (below
> link), plus Ubuntu is not going to spam us, or sale member's data. It's
> free, it's safe, its home...
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/3231-ubuntu-1510-corvallis-release-party/
> Also It only took one club here in Salem, 2 months on meetup before they
> exceeded 50 members, because anyone world-wide can and does join your
> meetup. So "caveat emptor", when it comes to meetup.
> Just letting you know my experience w/ meetup, and putting in my two cents
> worth...
> Great job getting a LoCo going in Corvallis, wishing you all the very
> best.
> Ciao for now
> Phil. N
> /*************************************
> * Sent from a system running Ubuntu *
> *************************************/
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So we had our first Corvallis meet up, it was quiet as expected being our
>> first one and a last minute thing but it was a lot of fun. Even though most
>> people didn't come up to us I suspect they were googling "Ubuntu" when they
>> got home, they couldn't have missed our display. :-) From here on out we'll
>> have a regular once a month meet up here in Corvallis, November will be
>> tough because of NaNoWriMo (S0rceress0 has 50,000 words to write) but I
>> suspect we'll double box and slip in an Ubuntu hour as at the same time
>> we're out writing. I think I'll also follow in Jono's footsteps and use
>> "Meetup" instead of Groupspaces, seems like more people use it. Anyway,
>> thanks for all the encouragement, have a great week.
>> On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 at 14:01 Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Phil N, glad to help out. The "Ubuntu Blitz Campaign..." is a
>>> great idea especially for the LTS release.
>>> I'm looking for flyers to print out to save time, we have a few Ubuntu
>>> ones in mind but does anyone know where we can find up to date system76 and
>>> zareason flyers?
>>> On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 at 21:29 Phil N <philn at delfinomicro.com> wrote:
>>>> Wow - Che's Ubuntu event is listed on Corvallis's events calendar page,
>>>> and everything... WTG Che, and nicely written too. Unfortunately some VIPs
>>>> are flying in from San Jose, so I'll have to miss this Thursday's event, as
>>>> I'll be out all day.
>>>> Wishing you all the best, on creating a new LoCo Ubuntu community in
>>>> Corvallis. Again great! job Che.
>>>> Cody Jim >
>>>> I think Che has come up with a great! idea. Perhaps we should get
>>>> something posted in Salem's Statesman Journal, regarding the release of
>>>> Ubuntu 15.10 for next months meeting on the 6th or 20th of November.
>>>> Plus I think, we should all post something in our respective local
>>>> newspapers, during every Ubuntu release (biannually), to help grow the LoCo
>>>> Ubuntu communities... Sort of a Biannual Ubuntu Blitz Campaign... ;-)
>>>> Just thinking out-loud here, and throwing some ideas (Che helped spark)
>>>> out there to the community.
>>>> ciao for now
>>>> Phil. N
>>>> /*************************************
>>>> * Sent from a system running Ubuntu *
>>>> *************************************/
>>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> We got a mention on Visit Corvallis:
>>>>> http://visitcorvallis.com/event/ubuntu-15-10-corvallis-release-party/?instance_id=7949&utm_content=bufferd0eb3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
>>>>> On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 at 18:55 Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the advice guys. :-) We plan on a once a month get
>>>>>> together at the Old World Deli. They have decent wifi and they never get
>>>>>> over crowded, normally pretty quiet. The initial meetup for this months
>>>>>> launch will be in the afternoon but we'll probably switch it to between 5pm
>>>>>> and 7.30pm on a weekday after that. I'm also thinking the beginning of the
>>>>>> month might be better because people tend to have money then. Old World
>>>>>> Deli is within walking distance of our house so we won't have to worry
>>>>>> about cycling in the dark (not a pleasant experience around here even with
>>>>>> great bike lanes).
>>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 6:41 PM, "Phillip N" <philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Che,
>>>>>>> I concur with what Cody said; Here in Salem we have been staying at
>>>>>>> around 3 people pre meeting, with a few visitors who temporary attend to
>>>>>>> get a problem or two solved. Stay vigilant, because people will eventually
>>>>>>> show up. Some things we found that work here in Salem are:
>>>>>>> * Small flyer (poster) half page, the larger ones seem to get taken
>>>>>>> down more often to make room.
>>>>>>> * Meet at least once pre month at the same place and time.
>>>>>>> * Meet on a weekday, (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings work
>>>>>>> best, because many people leave town on a Friday for the weekend, and most
>>>>>>> holidays fall on a Monday, so those days near the weekend may not be as
>>>>>>> good a turnout.) However you may find in your area, that people may be
>>>>>>> willing leave their own town to travel to yours on the weekend ;-)
>>>>>>> Just a few ideas though - great work on LoCo evens page.
>>>>>>> Ciao for now
>>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>>> * Sent from my Commodore 64 *
>>>>>>> ***********************************/
>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Cody Smith <cody.smith at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Che, the Salem Ubuntu Hour has been staying steady at about 3
>>>>>>>> people per meeting, peaked at 4-5, there's a core group (Me, Phil and jvlb)
>>>>>>>> and occasionally we get others, and there's someone else who occasionally
>>>>>>>> visits that Phill will remember the name where I don't. it used to be just
>>>>>>>> me and jvlb, it's started picking up more people over the past year and a
>>>>>>>> half (albeit slowly). So my point is don't be discouraged if it's not many
>>>>>>>> people at first and it picks up slowly, it'll happen, and your doing what
>>>>>>>> you can to get Ubuntu more well known!
>>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Weekends would suit us better also, this initial meeting was only
>>>>>>>>> to coincide with the release day. Krita is a great idea, I wil be sure to
>>>>>>>>> include it.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 23:00 Scarlett Clark <
>>>>>>>>> scarlett.gately.clark at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Please consider Krita https://krita.org/
>>>>>>>>>> It is our (KDE) sparkling gem. Is is in archive so any *ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>> flavor can install it.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Scarlett
>>>>>>>>>> Also FWIW I think a weekend meeting of sorts would be awesome, I
>>>>>>>>>> don't mind a bit of travel but weekdays are hard.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> It will be fun. We'll bring the System76 Darter running Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>> 14.04.03 LTS, it's a couple of years old but it's still high end, i7, 16GB
>>>>>>>>>>> RAM, 500GB SSD, touch screen and also an ASUS 1011PX 2 GB RAM Netbook to
>>>>>>>>>>> show off how well Ubuntu Mate runs on older hardware. I'll install
>>>>>>>>>>> Darktable and RawTherapee to show the photography potential on the System76
>>>>>>>>>>> (it's big around here) as well as other favourites, any other software you
>>>>>>>>>>> can think of feel free to let us know, we want to show off the best FOSS
>>>>>>>>>>> has to offer. :-)
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 21:30 Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, we all have to start somewhere. The best thing you can do
>>>>>>>>>>>> is encourage everyone you can find to come. Like, whether or not they care
>>>>>>>>>>>> about computers, Linux, or Ubuntu! Perhaps plan on tackling a particular
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem that could be applicable to lots of folks, like dealing with common
>>>>>>>>>>>> filetypes (.doc, .pdf, etc.) in Ubuntu.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have to make sure all our flyers are fixed up so you can have
>>>>>>>>>>>> some of them to show off. Still don't have our website yet, though, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> that would be so much better than using the wiki or the LoCo page as a URL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> bah. Our old URL expires on the 23rd, so maybe I can get that and redirect
>>>>>>>>>>>> to the LoCo page while I wait for Canonical to get their act together.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> More than likely it will end up as it normally does, just me
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Linda but who knows. We'll have fun either way. :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 21:14 Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can't wait to hear the story/see pictures on how this went.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to Che for his hard work and for having the forethought to get it on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the [LoCo event pages][1]!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/3231-ubuntu-1510-corvallis-release-party/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Phillip N <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This week I've got family from out of town over, so can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it this Saturday (15.10).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wishing you all the best, and happy "compiling" over at Old
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Deli.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao for now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Sent from my Commodore 64 *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll arrange a future monthly meet up at a later time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybe 5pm to 7:30pm or something like that and at the beginning of each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> month. This was just a last minute throw together to try and get something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> started. :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 at 21:17 Cody Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cody.smith9202 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sadly, when that starts I'll just be getting off work. but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy it nonetheless! if there happens to be a meetup on a weekend in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> future, I might be able to make it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Che Dean <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope you're all enjoying the very pleasant autumn/fall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're having. I'm putting together a meet up page on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> groupspaces.com for the Corvallis/Benton county area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S0rceress0 and myself are planning the first get together at the Old World
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deli here in Corvallis for the release of Ubuntu 15.10. It's a good venue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with plenty of space, seating, wifi and great food at a low price. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally looked at using meetup but I'm not paying $9.99 a month until we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a few people coming to regular meet ups. You can find the page here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for those interested:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://groupspaces.com/UbuntuCorvallisMeetUp/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Oct 2015 at 14:37 Cody Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cody.smith9202 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again, I'll definitely be there. Got the bus system down
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to where I can make it home with at least an hour to spare. (or 2 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> today's case). I'll have a couple of neat things to show off (one of them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a project I started yesterday)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Phillip N <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This Friday (today), is time to get-out and about while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the weather is still good. By attending this evenings Ubuntu hour.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Festivities will begin at 6:00pm to 7:00pm located
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> downstairs at Broadway Coffeehouse, 1300 Broadway St NE #100, Salem, OR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JVLB - sends his regards, as he won't be able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attend. And asks that we try to maintain a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> festive spirit, without him.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim's absence will be missed, we hope to see him during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our next meeting, coming up on Friday, October, 16th. Same place, same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu time, same Ubuntu channel.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a great! weekend all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Sent from my Commodore 64 *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************/
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @wxl | http://polka.bike
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
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