[Ubuntu Oregon] Release party?

Cody Smith cody.smith at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 4 03:35:08 UTC 2015

Plus for me here in Salem would be nice for a change, since portland and
Eugene are both 45 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes respectively worth of

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:34 PM Cody Smith <cody.smith at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Alright, Phil, James (jvlb) and I were discussing this which is the main
> reason I sent the original email, and Broadway Commons' meeting rooms would
> be viable, but I'd only do this IF nobody else was doing a release party
> elsewhere, don't want to have too many things going on at once. There's a
> set of meeting rooms that COULD do perfectly, the venue has decent wifi
> (albeit unprotected, which is something I am not too keen on), I'd probably
> have to see about the food and drink. and the venue is something that has
> to be booked beforehand and isn't free. So, I guess we'll see what Walter
> says, I'll see if I can ping him tonight or tomorrow.
> --c_smith
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:20 PM Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Don't think we'll make it to Portland (we were just up there) but Salem
>> or here in Corvallis sounds good. I'll have to clear it S0rceress0 but it
>> should be fine. Would be great to have a meet up instead of just the two of
>> us and the BBQ.
>> On Apr 3, 2015 19:49, "Benjamin Kerensa" <bkerensa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Mozilla can also very likely host in Portland but I would need to know
>>> sooner than later to book. We have WiFi, AV, beverages and snacks.
>>> On Apr 3, 2015 6:42 PM, "Cody Smith" <cody.smith at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Okay, so I've heard nothing on this. I can get some wheel in motion to
>>> find a place here in Salem to have a release party, what do you all say
>>> about this? should I put some wheels in motion for this, or do you have
>>> something in the works, Walter?
>>> >
>>> > --c_smith
>>> >
>>> > --
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