[Ubuntu Oregon] Ubuntu-us-or Digest, Vol 151, Issue 2

James Bradley jim at oregoncanoesport.com
Wed Sep 10 18:50:04 UTC 2014

The only advantages I'd see, offhand, are independence and local
control. The wiki markup language used at Ubuntu is obscure and only
slightly less arcane than Hittite, making customization problematic.
There would also be fewer hoops to jump through in giving people access
rights. On the other hand, I'm not sure how Canonical would feel about
us using the Ubuntu name on something they didn't fully control.


On 09/10/2014 11:07 AM, Patrick Olson wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed review of WordPress. Perhaps that's something the
> team would want if it has some advantage over the wiki, but the point I
> was getting at was actually just making it easy for folks who might need
> to type in a URL and pull up the wiki. After reading your message, it
> finally came to me: TinyURL.
> tinyurl.com/ubuntuoregon now points to the Ubuntu Oregon wiki. It isn't
> case sensitive, so it should be easy for anyone who needs to type it in.
> The only thing is, TinyURL didn't ask for any verification, validation,
> login or registration; so I don't know what the process would be if it
> ever needed to point somewhere else.
> On Wed, September 10, 2014 10:19 am, James Bradley wrote:
>> On the issue of hosting an independent Ubuntu Oregon website, you might
>> want to consider Automattic's free WordPress hosting. In case you aren't
>> familiar with that service, let me elaborate.
>> Automattic is a primary vendor of WordPress-based hosting and products.
>> They offer free hosting under a wordpress.com URL. WordPress offers a
>> number of advantages, along with some limitations.
>> On the plus side, with WordPress site maintenance is greatly simplified.
>> In the case of Automattic's offering, they take care of updating all the
>> software. WordPress itself is extremely easy to implement and manage.
>> Designed to facilitate blogging, it also supports more presentational
>> formats. It allows for granular permissions to accommodate multiple
>> authors and administrators. The ability to control comments and limit
>> spam is well designed. A wide variety of themes are offered and many
>> incorporate responsive design characteristics, allowing for hassle-free
>> support of multiple device parameters.
>> On the downside, WP is bloated and not particularly efficient. It is
>> written in PHP and some customizations require at least a superficial
>> knowledge of that rather arcane and inefficient language. Additionally,
>> properly implementing customizations requires some knowledge of WP's
>> internal functioning. In some cases, it is difficult to prevent
>> customizations from being overwritten by updates. For the most part,
>> these considerations only affect the primary administrator of the site.
>> So, there it is, for your consideration.
>> On 09/10/2014 09:38 AM, Patrick Olson wrote:
>>> On Wed, September 10, 2014 8:38 am, ∅ wrote:
>>>>> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2014 10:28:20 -0700
>>>>> From: "Patrick Olson" <compman42 at linuxusers.us>
>>>>> The URL that I think would be the easiest to give people verbally (for
>>>>> example you meet someone who seems interested in learning more) is
>>>>> probably facebook.com/ubuntuoregon as it's simpler than the other
>>>>> URLs.
>>>> Disagree. Not everyone wants to be on Facebook. In fact, some people
>>>> are vehemently opposed to it.
>>> OK I was just trying to make the URL simpler for cases where someone is
>>> going to have to remember it and/or type it in. If you tell someone
>>> wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam and they type it in without capitalizing the
>>> O
>>> and the T, it says the page doesn't exist.
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