Fwd: Salrm Ubuntu Hour for 2/10/12

David Duncan dduncan at hexi.com
Sat Feb 11 02:27:18 UTC 2012

Darn... Moved my production meeting for nwtechshow.com to same day/time
hoping to meet more of you this week. Check out a few back episodes at the
above website if want to hear what we're about...

On Friday, February 10, 2012, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 02/10/2012 09:06 AM, Cody Smith wrote:
> There will be no Salem Ubuntu Hour this week, as JVLB is not able to
come, and I will be out of town.
> I hope to be able to resume this next week.
> --Cody Smith
> Thanks for the update Cody!
> --
> Benjamin Kerensa                          "I am what I am because
> Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon                  of who we all are." - Ubuntu
> bkerensa at ubuntu.com
> http://ubuntu-oregon.org
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