[Ubuntu Oregon] Ubuntu Hour in Salem this week

Cody Smith cody.smith9202 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 13:07:49 UTC 2012

There will be an Ubuntu Hour this week on Friday (the 10th) from 6-7PM 
at Broadway Commons Coffeehouse (1300 Broadway, Salem, OR)

Details here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1890/detail/

Also, in mid-september, I will not be able to attend these for a couple 
weeks because of a double jaw operation, but I will send out notices IF 
someone decides to take up actually being there when I am not able to, 
JVLB, maybe you? I should be up and running in 2 weeks, but I won't have 
proper speech until 4 weeks after that, so I'll start coming 2 weeks 
after the op, but don't expect much talking from me (as they will have 
cut my jaw in 2 seperate places and moved it back and thus I will have 
my move pretty close to wired shut, as the braces I currently have will 
act as the tools they need to ensure that I keep my mouth in one 
position while that area heals)

that long piece of notification aside, I hope to see some people there! 
and have a nice rest of the week! :D


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