[Meeting] Ubuntu Oregon April IRC Meeting

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 6 22:43:30 UTC 2012

Hello Everyone,

Our regularly scheduled monthly IRC meeting will be held on April 8th at 
7:00pm on Freenode IRC and the Agenda can be found here: 

If you have a item you would like to add to the agenda feel free to edit 
the "Current Agenda" page and add your item at least 24 hours in advance.

Please remember all Ubuntu Oregon members and the public are encouraged 
to attend this meeting to discuss LoCo business.

If you are unfamiliar with how to use IRC feel free to use our Web-based 
IRC Client: http://www.ubuntu-oregon.org/chat/

Benjamin Kerensa             "I am what I am because
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon      of who we all are" - Ubuntu
bkerensa at ubuntu.com          http://ubuntu-oregon.org

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