Ubuntu Global Jam

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 01:49:19 UTC 2011

Hey Guys,

So Ubuntu Global Jam <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam> is in
September and we are going to Jam locally so I'm hoping that many of you can
commit to coming. We will be doing ours on the weekend and I do not have a
venue picked yet but we have a few options. I'm hoping that by event time I
will have some t-shirts and stickers just for the event.... I have reached
out to a few people who sponsor other groups around the country and sent
them proposals and so far they seem interested in taking care of those

I'm hoping some of our friends at Canonical that live locally will come out
of the woodworks and that this will be one of our bigger events. If we do it
at venue that does not sell food or drink then I will likely have it
sponsored or perhaps we can all chip in and bring beverages and light snacks
otherwise we could do Backspace as they always welcome Ubuntu Oregon.

Anyways as details become more solid I will send another update.

 Benjamin Kerensa
Phone: (503) 564-8608
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