Re-starting Oregon Team

Aaron Burt aaron at
Mon Mar 1 16:54:06 GMT 2010

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:09:29PM -0800, Mark Terranova wrote:
> Hello Oregon, I could not help but notice that things have been pretty slow
> around here. There are some folks in Portland and elsewhere that would like
> to help getting Oregon Team re-started.

Cool!  I help run the Linux Clinic at FreeGeek every third Sunday.  We are
heavily Ubuntu-biased, as it tends to make things Just Work for folks.
(I'm personally *very* heavily Ubuntu-biased.  Heck, Mark Shuttleworth even
ran around town in my pickup a few years ago!)

The Clinic is related to PLUG, the Portland Linux/Unix Group.  There are
Linux UGs all across the state that may be good points of contact as well.

And other PLUGgers on this list?

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