[Ubuntu-us-ok] Howdy fellow Ubuntians

Patrick Vance da17 at da23tf.com
Wed Sep 3 03:46:01 UTC 2014

I have been trying to figure out how to do this as well. I would be very
interested in what you have figured out.
On Sep 2, 2014 8:01 PM, "Israel" <israeldahl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I was wondering if any of you have ever tried building your own version
> of Ubuntu in a chroot.
> This is something I have been doing lately for ToriOS.  ToriOS
> (torios.org <http://torios.org>) is an Ubuntu based distro for lower-end
> hardware.  It is based off of 12.04, uses JWM/ Rox much likePuppy does,
> but it is a full distro that is meant to be installed to the Hard
> Drive... it does not use squashfs for the system like Puppy does (except
> in the Live CD of course).  It has been designed with >128MB RAM in
> mind, and a minimal set of applications so the user is free to customize
> it in whatever way they choose.
> Anyhow, I have written a long Bash script to build the entire OS in a
> chroot for the Live system.  The OS is installed on the HD through an
> installer called OBI <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OBI> made by Nio
> Wiklund.  This installer is something some of you might find very
> useful.  You can image your entire HD (as long as you do not have a
> separate /home partition) and reinstall it on another computer.  It is
> very handy for making a backup of your entire working system, as well as
> making a portable USB system, since you can install the OS on a USB,
> external HD, SD card, etc..
> If any one is interested in OBI or ToriOS e-mail me, or go to the Join
> Us <http://torios.org/join.html> to find out more info, or just reply
> back here :D
> I am specifically asking here in case anyone has had any experience
> doing this, or was interested in doing this.  I'll be putting up the
> script, and eventually I'd like to make something similar to uck, but
> using dialog or zenity for the 'front-end'.  I also would like to make a
> GUI for the 'mktbl' program... the program that makes a tarball of the
> installed system.
> Thanks!
> --
> Regards
> --
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