[Ubuntu-us-ok] List activity?

Duane Hinnen duanedesign at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 03:27:08 BST 2010

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Anthony Papillion <papillion at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I've noticed this list is really quiet and the 'events' page hasn't been
> updated that much in like two years. Is this team still active? If so, what
> can we do to get some movement as a group going again?
> Thanks!
> Anthony
> --
> Anthony Papillion
> Lead Developer / Owner
> Advanced Data Concepts - "Enabling work anywhere"
> (918) 919-4624
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> My Blog:   http://www.cajuntechie.com
> --
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It is great to finally have some people showing interest. I have been using
the new loco directory to list the activities. I will update the wiki with a
link to that page <http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-oklahoma>.  Right now
their is a monthly meetup in Tulsa. Derrick regularly post Technology/FOSS
activities happening in Oklahoma City. I organised an Ubuntu Local Jam last
month, unfortunately no one showed up. This has kind of been the way things
have gone for awhile. I have combined the Tulsa LoCo meetup with the Tulsa
LUG meeting. That way I am not sitting there by myself. I would encourage
someone to do something similar in oklahoma City. I am hoping eventually it
will grow into somethhing where we can sustain our own meeting.  I would say
the most immediate need is to get new members. Members who are interested in
participating actively. I sent an email out last month about having online
meetings. We had two people respond, with your interest we might have a
decent meeting on our hands :)  I will create a Doodle Poll so we can figure
out the best time to have an online meeting.

Duane Hinnen
duanedesign at gmail.com
sip:duanedesign at ekiga.net <sip%3Aduanedesign at ekiga.net>

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