[Ubuntu-us-ok] update

Duane Hinnen duanedesign at cox.net
Fri Jan 2 07:30:41 GMT 2009

We haven't had a meeting in a couple of weeks so I wanted to send out an
Email talking about some recent ideas and going-ons. 

I have been working on the Oklahoma LoCo WiKi. With the decision to not
have a website, I thought it important that our WiKi be a more
comprehensive solution. Please take a look and make any edits you think
will be an improvement an/or Email me about concerns. Not all the links
work. As of this Email starting on the left and moving right, all the
links up too and including Bugs work. This may change as I plan to work
on it this weekend.


a couple of new things on the wiki I am excited about. 
I have added the Google calendar. This will make it easier for members,
and the public, to see what is going on with the Oklahoma Ubuntu
community. Please feel free to add to the calendar anything that you
think the team would find useful.
I have added a projects and ideas page. This will be a place for us to
post our ideas and brainstorm. Whenever you see an idea you want to
start work on just move it up to the Active Projects table and add your
name. Then others can quickly see what is being worked on and who too
contact about the project as well as the status of the project.


I am going to add some information on helping with the Ubuntu
Documentation. This along with Bug Triage is a great way for members to
help with the Ubuntu. Like triage this is something you can do in your
spare time from your home. The documentation needs some work and could
really use some more people working on it. I recently triaged a bug
concerning the Power Management documentation. It contained pictures of
windows that had settings that don't even exist in intrepid. Until I get
the page up here is some info.


I am also starting an Advocacy and Activism page. This will contain
information that will help you explain to people why we are so
passionate about Ubuntu. There will be information about ubuntu's
benefits as well as the benefits of Free Software and Fee Formats.  This
section will also contain information on install fests, creating an
Ubuntu distribution point, giving a talk at your local computer club,
and influencing local schools, governments, and libraries to use Ubuntu.
As well as information there will be tools to make your job easier. CD
cases you can print off, examples of letters you can write to your city
council, ect. 

I found this project interesting. It is a project to get 
local libraries to make available Ubuntu Live CD's through library
lending. I am also attaching a pdf that explains how Robert Kerr got
Open Office in the libraries of the U.K.


In closing I want to clarify my objective in bringing to your attention
all these various projects. I know most people will not have the time to
be able to work on all the projects. My purpose is to make available a
wide variety of ideas so that when you do have the opportunity to do
something there is a project that interest you.

Have a happy New Year!

Duane Hinnen
duanedesign at gmail.com
duanedesign at cox.net
sip:duanedesign at ekiga.net
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