[Ubuntu-us-ok] Techmas Holiday Party

derrick parkhurst derrick.parkhurst at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 18:00:30 GMT 2009

Techmas Holiday Party <http://okccoco.com/?p=909>

*Let us jingle your bells at the First Annual okcCoCo Techmas Holiday Party!

To celebrate the holidays this year, the okcCoCo is inviting web development
and design freelancers, employees of local tech companies, and members of
okcCoCo user groups, for a night of drinks, entertainment and holiday cheer.

Come and play tech-oriented holiday games to win 1 of 25 holiday prizes
(ranging in technology from years 1985 to 2009) from under the CoCo
Christmas tree! Prizes are donated by local tech companies.

We will have holiday snacks, and holiday beer for the event. To warm up,
Chef Ryan Parrot from Iguana Grill is providing a festive CoCo-Cocoa for the

We are charging one canned-food item per person (or $2 to buy canned items)
at the door to be donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.

Spouses are welcome!

When: Thursday, December 17, 2009
Time: 6:00pm
Where: okcCoCo 723 North Hudson Oklahoma City, OK 73102
RSVP by this Friday - http://okccoco.com

Derrick Parkhurst, Ph.D.
Thirty Sixth Span Internet Technologies
Phone: 405 596 4697 <=== IT'S NEW
okcCoCo: http://okcCoCo.com
OpenBeta: http://openbeta.extendedbeta.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/derrickparkhurst
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ThirtySixthSpan

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