[Ubuntu-us-ok] the first step

Duane Hinnen duanedesign at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 11:29:34 GMT 2008

Ok LoCo Team,
I recently joined the Oklahoma LoCo Team. I noticed, especially compared to
other teams, that this team was very inactive. So after a late night
encounter on IRC with a fellow team member, who agreed we needed some
direction, I am going to put forth some goals and start organizing some
projects. I hope this will help get us on the path to APPROVED status and
eventually to the newly created Ubuntu Hall of Fame. I encourage everyone to
participate we can make a difference and have a lot of fun doing it.

1. Set up a regular meeting at *#ubuntu-us-ok* - Looks like Scotty brought
this up a couple of months ago. I think Thursdays at 7:30 is a good time. So
unless there are major objections this Thursday at 7:30 at*
#ubuntu-us-ok*there will be a meeting.

2. As a team we could start triaging bugs. Bug triage is an excellent way to
start helping out. You get to learn a lot about Ubuntu, its available
packages, its infrastructure, and you get a feel for the development pulse.
There is something for people of all skill levels, developers and non
developers.  *https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs*
We could join the 5-a-day program. *https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day*
This way our progress is recorded and gives us managable goals, like
breaking into the top 50 teams. *http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/*

3. Develop an outline and materials that any member can use to give a talk
on Ubuntu. There was a request on the forum by a computer club in OKC. Our
team was so unprepared that his request went unfilled. We develop a packet
using all our knowledge, experience, and resources that any member
regardless of individual skill level can use to give an informative talk.
This would greatly reduce the burden on members who might want to volunteer
for a talk but are not very confident in their specific knowledge and also
dont have the time to develop an outline and all the materials required. We
should have all this stuff in a packet, along with CD's to hand out, in a
packet ready to send out to any member as needed.

4. Until our status as a LoCo team is APPROVED we can not get CD's sent to
us (for free). However they are cheap to buy in bulk. A simple fundraiser
could supply enough money for us to get a few hundred CD's. We then could
start a partnership with retailers and have them hand out copies of Ubuntu
with computer purchases along with dual boot instructions.
  4a. I like the Ohio teams idea of putting CD's in librarys *
   Here is a cool idea *

5. Start a PR team. This team's goals are to pass on Ubuntu and LoCo related
press releases and other information to the media in Oklahoma.

6. Community Outreach Team. Start relationships with local non profits,
public schools, and businesses. Encourage them to transition to Ubuntu and
provide support as they do. Look at what Pennsylvania has done. *

I think this gives us plenty to talk about at our first meeting. I want to
hear everyone thoughts on these ideas as well as your own ideas for
increasing the number of computers running Linux.

Duane Hinnen
duanedesign at gmail.com

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