UbuntuOhio Update on Sub Teams, not to late to join up!

Steve Stalcup stalcups at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 18:31:56 GMT 2007

Update on the teams
Here are the teams we see a need for:

*** We need some leadership in the CD and F2F teams***
You can still help on any team...

1. Web-Team (assigned)
Team Leader - PWill
Team: Jacob92, RRittenhouse

2. Communication Guru(s)
Team Leader: Jacob Peddicord
      * Anthony S. Hall
      * Dan Buch
      * Paul Williams
      * Stephen Stalcup
This/These team members will need to ensure information is shared on all
fronts web/forum/wiki/mailing list. This will include moderator
capabilities on http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org

3. Ohio Marketing Team
Team Leader: Dan Buch
      * Dan Buch
      * goatdad13
      * Stephen Stalcup
Need one leader and as many team members as possible. Will include
assignments such as http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320182
This is a position of glory and high recognition!

4. CD Team
Team Leader: None ATM
      * Anthony S. Hall
      * Dan Buch
      * Stephen Stalcup
One leader and as many members as possible. This team will be devoted to
obtaining CD's (burning, publishing, requesting). This team will also be
responsable for finding and placing CD's in physical locations in the
State. Also, mapping these locations and publishing them (CD's available
at Barnes and Noble in Pickerington....)

5. Wiki Team
Team Leader:Adam Heckler This is a one person team atm. Adam will be
devoted to fabulizing our wiki pages on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam

6. New User Support Team / F2F
Team Leader: None Assigned ATM
      * Anthony S. Hall
      * charon79m
      * Dan Buch
      * Jacob Peddicord
      * Joe Gedeon
      * John LaBounty
      * Paul Williams
      * Scott Vargovich
      * Stephen Stalcup
      * zerhacke
This can be as many people who are interested. We need to have a strong
support group as there will be an influx of new users who will need our

7. Linux Education Team
Team Leader: Anthony S. Hall
Team: Meatballhat, Vorian

Goals: *To educate and train users on Free software, including but not
limited to Linux. *To draft proposals for team members to start local
workshops. *To create and share resources such as lesson plans, class
ideas, and software CD's. *To offer a service to the community for free
to advance their skills using Free software.

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