UbuntuOhio CD Distribution Project / Ohio Libraries / Quickstart Guide

Stephen Hedges st.hedges at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 17:56:28 GMT 2007


I started a thread on the OPLINTECH list about Ubuntu in libraries,
and a surprising number are of library techs have already started the
process of installing Ubuntu. (A couple are even distributing CDs.) So
is there a "stable release" version of the Quick Starter available


On Nov 14, 2007 12:27 PM, anthony <theidiotthatisme at gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy! I was going through some of our old projects, and I know this one
> should not be too difficult and has already had some work put into it,
> so I decided to help pick it back up and push it again. For more
> information, please visit.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/CDdistribution
> I buckled down and wrote a rough draft for a Quickstart guide to include
> with the CD's (intentionally very short, most people don't like reading
> through a manual to figure out something that already has wizards to
> guide them). I've attached it to the email, so let me know what you
> think and if there's anything you'd like to change.
> --
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