UbuntuOhio ubuntu from windows

Brady Merriweather brady.merriweather at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 04:15:16 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-08 at 03:24 -0400, Eric wrote:
> * Microsoft Office 97
> * TurboCad 6.5  (3D Cad software)
> * QuickBooks Pro 99 (small business accounting)
> * WebEasy 5 (web publishing)
> * PrintShop 6 

you can make the switch, but I could suggest alternatives for all these
programs and do the same thing:

Microsoft Office 97
 - Ubuntu comes with Open Office It reads all Microsoft office, excel,
and more. Plus it can produce PDF files.

TurboCad 6.5 
There is the choice of Qcad, Sagcad, & Electrical Cad to choose from.

there is a program called KMymoney which can read your quickbooks

WebEasy 5 (web publishing)
there is Screem HTML/XML editor, bluefish, Mozilla composer,  Quanta
Plus,  & Amaya HTMl editor to choose from.

PrintShop 6 
There's the Gimp, &  Krita to choose from. Gimp works like Photoshop.

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