[NY State Local Community] Fwd: FW: Hosting an Event

Louis RUPPERT lruppert at louruppert.com
Fri Mar 11 15:52:26 UTC 2011

On 10.03.2011 23:34, Nordman, Alan wrote:
> Just spoke w/ Charles in irc - yes I really would like confirmation of
> network access and parking before we declare it. I did email the IT
> director of the iSchool so assuming he's going to chill for the
> weekend we should have an answer early next week.  I'll keep you all
> updated as events warrant.  Thanks all!

Could we declare the event without specifying the location, and then set
the location once we know where things stand with the iSchool?  (Say hi
to Roger, by the way.  He's a good guy.)


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