[NY State Local Community] Fwd: Ubuntu New York LoCo Naming Scheme [discussion]

Nordman, Alan alan.nordman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 15:57:06 UTC 2011

Sorry forgot to include the mailing list...please see below regarding a
Syracuse location for the Jam and future events:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nordman, Alan <alan.nordman at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [NY State Local Community] Ubuntu New York LoCo Naming Scheme
To: Louis RUPPERT <lruppert at louruppert.com>

Lou/Ducky - just fyi I'm in touch with the iSchool at SU to see if they
would be open to hosting the Bug Jam on April 2nd and any future events.  If
they approve would you be open to moving Syracuse events to Hinds Hall at
SU?  Thanks.

On Feb 28, 2011 2:16 PM, "Louis RUPPERT" <lruppert at louruppert.com> wrote:
> On 25.02.2011 21:15, Nordman, Alan wrote:
>> Hi, Lou. Charles directed me to contact you about a launch party in
>> Syracuse. I know April is rather close but if you'd like to
>> coordinate something please let me know. Thanks.
> Yeah, I can offer space and connectivity like before. What else will we
> need? Is there a wiki page on how to coordinate something like this?
> For the bug jam, I'm imagining we wouldn't need much else at that
> location, except advertising beforehand so people remember where it is.
> For a launch party, we may need a setup like Landon and Ducky had
> before, which transparently proxies software sources and adds a cool
> glow over the table it's on.
> -Lou
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