[NYLoCo] IRC General Meeting Times for 2008

jeremy austin-bardo ausimage at ubuntu.com
Wed Dec 12 00:42:29 GMT 2007

I am opening the discussion of when we should hold our meetings during
the week. Our meetings will be held during the 2nd and 4th weeks at 7pm
of a month in 2008. I would like to hear from everyone who would like to
participate at our meetings to share which days of the week will work
the best during each of those weeks.

I am thinking of perhaps the 2nd Tue and 4th Tue or the 2nd Thu and 4th
Tue. I am thinking my second choice may give those that find Tue hard to
meet, a chance to meet on Thu. 

Our first 2008 IRC General Meeting will be the 4th week of January. I
hope to hear from everyone by the first of January as to which days will
work the best.

Hope to hear from everyone!
jeremy austin-bardo <ausimage at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu Communty Member / Ubuntu New York Leader / Ubuntu Scribes Leader
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