NYLoCo Hendrixski, Good Idea....

hendrixski at storsint.com hendrixski at storsint.com
Mon Aug 6 14:25:36 BST 2007

:-) well, I can put up the information about the Rochester "business
networking" events onto the wiki, then you guys will have to find a few
in NYC, Albany, etc.  I highly recommend that everybody try this.  It's
pretty fun, there's free food, and you get to serve a good cause.

You _could_ hand out Ubuntu LoCo business cards while you're there, but
the whole reason I started doing this was so that dweebs with
proprietary solutions would stop trying to get my legitimate business
card.  A sort of *spam filter* if you will.

There's one I go to on the first Tuesday of every month, which happens
to be during the LoCo meetings, but hopefully I've provided enough
information that the idea can be discussed at meeting.

:-) enjoy
 - Barnaba Bienkowski

P.S. I'm going to be in NYC this Friday, and it would be really nice to
meet a bunch of fellow Ubuntu Yorkers for lunch.  So far there's at
least one other person on board, so don't be afraid to join in and to
recommend a location (somewhere in Brooklyn would be OK, but  preferably

jeremy austin-bardo wrote:
>> I know, pick me... pick me
>> I have a pretty good suggestion on how to spread the word.
> OK You are picked.... Do you know where to get lists of these
> "networking meetings? Perhaps, you could make a team wiki page listing
> them and let us know on the list when these occur. Anyone then perhaps
> could try and go to these meetings.
> Or were you suggesting, we try this ourselves. Either way this is a good
> idea. Get Ubuntu out there. I think we can discuss at meeting about
> letting us use the team logo to make team business cards for these kinds
> of events. 
> So anymore good ideas?

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