[ubuntu-us-nm] Display problems

Anthony Ortega n0wje87004 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 10:48:56 UTC 2012

I am glad you found the issue and I wish I could have helped out more. But
that's great!
Man I am glade it's Friday.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Researcher Taylor <
research at lawlearners.org> wrote:

> Anthony,
> Here's what I found out by experimentation...
> The problem I was seeing was caused by an odd sized Dell monitor that I'm
> guessing the developers didn't anticipate.  If you connect an 17 or 19 inch
> monitor, Ubuntu can recognize it and simply shows up in the monitors GUI as
> 'Dell 19" '.
> My monitor was an 18", so in monitors it said "unrecognized" so it must
> have something to do with a signal being sent back to the computer from the
> monitor.
> I fixed my problem by getting a different monitor that Ubuntu WOULD
> recognize.
> Thanks!
> On 06/14/2012 05:56 AM, Anthony Ortega wrote:
>> I don't know if this may hep but during upgrade and i assume your still
>> running 10.04 LTS it may have uninstalled the opengl package. maybe check
>> to see if it is installed. I have read a couple of post that point to this
>> issue. Maybe
> --
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