[ubuntu-us-nm] Fwd: [abqlug] ABQLUG Closing

Kurt von Finck mneptok at mneptok.com
Sun Feb 21 07:44:26 GMT 2010

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 00:24:14 -0700
Eric Krieger <grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Well it is sad to see another linux group come to a close...but this
> is also the reason your should not put all the eggs into one person
> doing all the work and heading a group.


That is, indeed, sad news. I'm surprised no one stepped forward. It's a
bit disappointing that this list was not e-mailed with a call for

As I have said before, Linux enthusiast groups should work together.

In a future life I might have time to spearhead such a group. In the
real world in which I must operate, I'd be happy to spend a few hours
per month at a meeting, doing some organizing, etc in a distro-agnostic
way. If anyone else feels similarly, feel free to ping me about
potential pathways we might explore.


kurt von finck


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