[ubuntu-us-nm] EPC's Operations Director (OPDIR) Office Progress
David Einerson
deinerson1 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 21:13:05 BST 2009
No sweat Eric, sometime today I'll have a brief, positive update on the
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 4:52 AM, Eric Krieger <grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com>wrote:
> Hi Dave and Bootz,
> Thanks for the update. I have not forgot that I need to stop by with the
> video and ide controllers. Just having a busy week...but then again aren't
> they all? =P
> Thanks,
> - Eric
> ------------------------------
> Eric J. Krieger
> Ubuntu Member and Altruistic Network Ninja.
> Email: grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com
> Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrammatonCleric
> NM LoCo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:35 PM, David Einerson <deinerson1 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Bootz and I have made some changes for the better to Melissa's office.
>> - The router and switch now sit on the South wall desk and are off the
>> floor and shredder.
>> - Power and internet cables now run nicely along the baseboard to and
>> fro rather than hither and thither. Bootz was tired of tripping over them.
>> He thought Melissa might like it, too.
>> - Bootz moved the network LaserJet 5 printer to the South wall desk
>> and filled it with paper.
>> - The black Canon color printer that used to sit on the floor now has
>> its own spot where the LJ5 printer used to be. It is now positioned to be
>> able to leave it hooked up to the PC.
>> - Bootz dusted everything he could get his pawz on.
>> - We labeled the router and switch cables so Bootz will know what is
>> plugged and where it leads.
>> - The EPC Media Server has been added to the South wall desk. This is
>> an *always on* Ubuntu PC, which staff may use at their pleasure. You
>> will find it already logged in to the epcstaff user. Please do not log out
>> or turn it off. In addition to serving media to EPC, it is also running
>> BOINC, a distributed computing client which contributes processing tasks to
>> SETI and a few medical research projects when the computer is not busy.
>> - We hooked up some decent speakers to Melissa's office PC, so rock
>> on. Thank you NM Loco.
>> - We cleaned up behind the desk.
>> - We added a high quality surge protector to the power situation.
>> - We removed several unused programs from Melissa's PC to free up
>> space. We removed the aged back up the the old EPC Org site from Dropbox.
>> Everything that was on the old site is still preserved in another spot, so
>> no worries.
>> - We JKDefragged <http://kessels.biz/JkDefrag/> Melissa's PC, one of
>> the best defragmenters available.
>> - We installed the VLC media player <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/> on
>> Melissa's PC, which will play anything you throw at it. This is Bootz'
>> favorite media player that interfaces nicely with the EPC media Server.
>> - We performed several other maintenance tasks on Melissa's PC. We
>> marginally improved the boot time and speed of Melissa's PC.
>> Melissa,
>> Please let me know if there is something you would like further arranged,
>> installed, etc. Bootz and I did leave a few paper piles in relative
>> disarray, but were unsure what to do with them. We will be glad to help
>> arrange them when you are next in the mood for that sort of task.
>> P.S. For those who may not know, Bootz is a lab/rottweiler mutt with an
>> eye for the ladies, so watch your women [?] And for goodness sake, don't
>> let them wear meat pants.
>> --
>> Dave Einerson
>> IT Director
>> Endorphin Power Company
>> 509 Cardenas Dr. SE
>> Albuquerque, NM 87108
>> http://www.endorphinpower.org/
>> http://endorphinpower.ning.com/
>> http://djeresume.yolasite.com/
>> deinerson1 at gmail.com
>> --
>> ubuntu-us-nm mailing list
>> ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com
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> --
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Dave Einerson
IT Director
Endorphin Power Company
509 Cardenas Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
deinerson1 at gmail.com
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