[ubuntu-us-nm] Meeting Notes
David Thomas
dthomas at cableone.net
Wed Dec 17 04:39:00 GMT 2008
Hi all you Linux Users you and a Happy holidays...
Speaking of the holidays due to all the people taking vacation, drinking
to much eggnog, or eating way to much food. We won't be having any
formal meetings till after the new year.
Next formal meeting will be on January 6th 2009, but feel free to jump
on our IRC channel #ubuntu-us-nm and chat away any time of the year.
Meeting notes for the meeting of the 16th of December can be found here:
Agenda page for the 6th of January meeting can be found here:
How about this! Find 18 months of meetings notes here:
A very happy holidays and a happy new year from your New Mexico Ubuntu
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