[ubuntu-us-nm] New Mexico LinuxFest

David Thomas dthomas at cableone.net
Fri Dec 5 04:15:18 GMT 2008

An Open Letter to all New Mexico Linux User Groups, Linux enthusiasts,
and interested parties.

My Name is David Thomas and I'm an active member of the New Mexico
Ubuntu Linux LoCo (local Community) as well as Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer of the New Mexico Linux Corporation. 

I'd like to offer a brief history before I get to the issue at hand.

During a discussion at one of the Ubuntu LoCo weekly meetings we started
talking about creating some kind of convention much along the lines of
the Ohio LinuxFest http://www.ohiolinux.org, and LinuxFest Northwest
http://linuxfestnorthwest.org/ conventions.

It was soon realized that to have the kind of success that these other
Linux organizations have had we would need donations, sponsors, and a
large network of volunteers. This would all so mean that money would be
involved and that calls for lawyers, accountants, and bankers. It was
thus decided to form a non-profit 501c3 corporation and the New Mexico
Linux Corporation was formed.

Legal counsel and accounting services were retained to make sure we
adhere to all federal, state, and local laws, requirements, and

The following is a brief description of the organization:

The New Mexico Linux Corporation

The New Mexico Linux Corporation is a non-profit 501c3 all volunteer
corporation registered in the state of New Mexico to promote the
education of Linux and Free and Open Source software. The corporation
was founded by people from various Linux User Groups in New Mexico
primarily to promote and manage the New Mexico LinuxFest convention and

Our Mission Statement:

The goal of the New Mexico Linux Corporation is to promote, educate, and
encourage the use of GNU/Linux and open source software.

Which brings me to the issue at hand. We formed an initial board of
directors for the New Mexico Linux Corporation and as it stands consist
of a chairman and two other board members. However, we feel that the
optimum number of people who need to sit on the board to represent the
diverse Linux community should be at a minimum five and therefor we
propose an open recruitment for the remaining two seats on the board. 

The ideal candidate will have had convention organization experience,
experience in fund-raising, a good knowledge of Linux and Open Source
Software, and above all the time needed to meet your obligations as a
New Mexico Linux Corporation board member.

The Board will be responsible for; drafting bylaws, developing a
strategic plan, developing a business plan, developing a budget,
developing a record keeping system, and accounting system. The board
will also be responsible for all Federal, State, and Local tax fillings
as well as fulfill charitable solicitation law requirements. 

The highest priority of the board will be the successful establishment
of an on going LinuxFest conference and exposition in the State of New

In the coming months we will need a large group of volunteers, these
volunteers will be formed into the various committees that will make up
the bulk of the workforce behind the New Mexico LinuxFest, as well as
the appointment of New Mexico Corporation Officers such as Chief
Information Officer (position appointed), Chief Financial Officer,
(position open) , and others.

You can visit http://www.newmexicolinuxfest.org for more information,
please be advised this website is far from complete and is in various
states of construction. 

Thank you for your time,

If your interested in becoming a board member or would like more
information please contact:

David Thomas
CEO, and Chairman of the Board
New Mexico Linux Corporation, an all volunteer organization
dthomas at newmexicolinuxfest.org

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