[ubuntu-us-nm] Open-Mesh Dashboard

Eric Krieger grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com
Wed Dec 3 05:35:15 GMT 2008

Here's a reply from the owner/creator/seller of the open-mesh routers
with regards to the routers online dashboard that is used for managing
the open-mesh routers.

in short they are going to release an open-source version.



We support an open-source dashboard project and plan to release ours
open-source by next spring as well. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Krieger <unmlobo at gmail.com>
To: Michael Burmeister-Brown
Sent: Tue Dec 02 20:14:11 2008
Subject: RE: Order Status Update from OPEN-MESH

Hi Michael,
        I have another question.  I'm in the process of setting up an
open mesh for a local shelter but I have a concern about how the
open-mesh routers are setup.  If for some reason that open-mesh sees fit
to close shop how will the routers continue to be maintained?  Would you
make the dashboard available to the public to download and setup locally
for their installs?

Here's our project page...



- Eric 

Eric J. Krieger
email: grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com

Random Quote:

"In times of crisis, it is of utmost importance
not to lose one's head"
        -M. Antoinette 

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