[ubuntu-us-nm] Desktop note taker

Leif Gregory ldgregory69 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 14:41:59 BST 2008

I take lots of notes, during phone calls, brainstorming, short to-do
lists etc. Under Windows I used BladeWiki which is a desktop and PPC

Under Linux I'd been using Tomboy which worked ok for jotting quick
stuff down, but it quickly became disorganized.

I ran across Zim which is a desktop wiki for Linux and I'm feelin' the
love again. Great use of namespaces for organization, support for
images, all the bolding, highlighing etc.


No affiliation, just sharing. <grin>

Leif Gregory
Power Wagon Registry:  http://powerwagonregistry.org
Truck Hacks:                http://trucks.PCWize.com
Geocaching:                    http://gps.PCWize.com
PHP Tutorials and snippets:    http://www.DevTek.org

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