Ubuntu-US-NM Gutsy Review

Eric Krieger unmlobo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 15:33:50 BST 2007

This weekend I took an Acronis Image of my laptop and took the plunge
into Gutsy Nirvana, well almost.   The first and biggest issue that I
ran into was video driver issues, abet Gutsy's new Xorg recover point.
It appears that if you have any of the proprietary drivers (i.e. Nvidia
or ATI) installed prior to upgrading this will cause major headahes if
you upgrade from Feisty.  Also upgrading totally killed mu Compiz-Fusion
setup.  Once I was able to over come my video drivers issues I was
really impressed with how "finished" the new interface felt and looked.
The new anti-aliased fonts rival that of OSX or Microsoft's ClearType.
I agree with the review below,  this new release really feels like a


At this point I would not encourage anyone to upgrade yet. there are a
few more bugs to be worked out.  But if you want to take an image of
your system so you can roll back if you need or want to.  

Fyi... Before anyone runs off an buys Acronis True Image Home thinking
it will be able to image your Linux boxes...Only the Enterprise Server
edition can. If you can afford the $699 price tag it can image just
about anything to FTP, SMB, NFS, or USB.   If you need an open source
system imager I recommend G4U, which does require a FTP Server and
DHCP....and can take a REALLY long time to image a system.  The recovery
of a G4U image is much faster than the creation. 

- Eric 

:Random Quote

"Anyone who uses the phrase 'easy as
taking candy from a baby' has never tried
taking candy from a baby"
        -R. Hood 

Sun Sep 23 08:33:30 MDT 2007 
08:33:30 up 3:32, 5 users, load average: 0.16, 0.30, 0.51 
#2 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:55:27 UTC 2007 GNU/Linux 

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