Ubuntu-US-NM Meeting on Thursday and Software Freedom day
DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Tue Sep 11 14:06:43 BST 2007
Great glad to have you, if you have a laptop be sure and bring it, the
library has wi-fi. I'll have a few laptops running the demos and software.
E Cardiel <magonista66 at yahoo.com>
09/10/2007 04:30 PM
DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Re: Ubuntu-US-NM Meeting on Thursday and Software Freedom day
I'll be late and have to leave early, but I'm planning on being there on
DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us wrote:
It's a busy week for the Ubuntu Loco.
We have our regularly scheduled meeting on IRC freenode at 8:00pm MST on
channel #ubuntu-newmexico
And we have Software Freedom Day on the 15th from 11:00am till 3:00pm hope
to see everyone there be sure and promote it to as many people as you can.
If you need more information please just let me know.
Also I'd like those of you who attend the meeting on a regular basis,
start letting me know some of the topics you would liked discussed, so we
can start building agendas for the meetings...
Thanks in advance for any ideas you might have
Talk at you soon
David Thomas--
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