Ubuntu-US-NM [MVLUG] Next meeting: Tues Nov. 6 at 5:30PM]

Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 31 14:01:40 GMT 2007

Hey look we got a mention in the MVLUG mailing list, thanks guys........

mvlug-list at mvlug.org
[MVLUG] Next meeting: Tues Nov. 6 at 5:30PM
Location: NMSU's Science Hall Rm 124
Topic: Embedded Software Development

My presentation should be pretty brief, leaving lots of time for Joe to
talk about OpenEmbedded.  I guess it's time I got my little demo
working, or he'll have even *more* time on his hands.  ;)

Eric, if you are not able to attend, can I make arrangements with you to
get some of those Ubuntu Software Freedom Day kits to bring along to the
meeting?  I'd like one or two to give away to interested parties at some
point.  [And thanks for taking the time to get them too!]

Just a week away... Hope to see you all there.  Looking forward to it.


MVLUG-list mailing list
MVLUG-list at mvlug.org

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